On Demand

Shootin’ from the Hip

Shootin' From The Hip

hootin’ from the Hip is a informative show that provides a forum for firearms and shooting enthusiasts and civilians interested in self defense and personal safety to become informed about a wide variety of related issues and to dispel myths about firearms by promoting the truth backed by verifiable sources. Topics to be discussed include firearms safety and training, firearms selection, practical and legal issues involved in owning, carrying and/or potentially using a gun for self defense, mental preparation for confrontation, firearms, ammunition and firearms accessories product reviews, discussions of current, pending and proposed legislation related to the firearms industry and personal safety, and firearms maintenance and cleaning, among other related

Hosts Jeff Pedro and Mark Avery always have a great time exploring firearms issues. We hope you will join us each week. As a Dayton-area call-in radio show, we invite you to call in, ask questions, make comments, and let us know what we can do to make it even more useful – and fun! Listen to the show every Saturday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.