James Uphoff sentenced in child porn case

Retired Wright State University professor James K.Uphoff was sentenced Wednesday to 15 months in federal prison a year after pleading guilty to possession of child porn.

Uphoff, 77, also the former Oakwood Board of Education president, had entered a guilty plea in October 2013 and reached a deal for a binding sentence from six months to two years.

U.S. District Court Judge Walter H. Rice accepted the plea deal and also ruled that Uphoff must pay $5,100 in fines and be on supervision for 10 years. Uphoff also must forfeit computer equipment, continues ex-offender treatment and register as a sex offender.

Uphoff has spent seven days in custody. The non-binding federal sentencing range for such an offender is from 63 to 78 months. Uphoff must voluntarily surrender to U.S. Marshals within 30 days.

Rice disagreed with a letter he received that Uphoff was"rotten to the core" while adding Uphoff is an"intelligent" and "educated" man who has shown "a lack of judgment."

Uphoff told Rice: "I apologize for my past failures" and that he is searching for "ways I can atone for them."

Defense attorney John Rion spoke about Uphoff's long educational and community background, and said his client feels"humiliated" and "shamed" and that he is amenable to more counseling and treatment.

Assistant U.S. attorney Christy Muncy said Uphoff violated his pre-sentencing supervision more than once and has been viewing materials related to children being used as sex objects for nearly a decade. Muncy asked the court for a sentence of 18 months.

In September 2012, investigators found 550 pornographic images and two videos on three of Uphoff's computer devices.

Investigators also found at Uphoff's residence hundreds of printouts depicting images of naked teenage boys and young adults either in bondage or pornographic poses.

Investigators also found at Uphoff's residence hundreds of erotic stories of adults engaging in sexual acts with some children and engaging in sexual acts with other children.