
Beavercreek student allegedly makes threats, joke about school shooting


Update@4:30 p.m. (Feb. 21):

Police arrested the student after some parents and teachers contacted officers when they saw comments and videos on the social media site Snapchat about school closings and alluding to school shootings on Feb. 16 and 17 according to a police report.

In the posts and video, the suspect warned fellow students not to go to school while alluding to the Florida shootings, the report said. The video was given to police.

“All you salty bois who slid up on my Columbine story need to chill lmao. Like I wouldn’t be complaining if someone killed me tbh. And if I wasn’t one of the one’s shot dude  think of the time off school for that. That’d be like 3 months no school,” the message said in part, according to the police report.

Based on the content of the messages,  officers arrested the suspect, who is a minor and is not being identified, with making false alarm.

While he was being taken to the Greene County Juvenile Detention Center, the suspect told officers that he posted a Blackl Ops video game online, and people were taking it the wrong way, the report said. He also said he did not make a direct threat to anyone, according to the report.

First report:

A Beavercreek High School student was arrested after reportedly making posts on social media about gun violence and the school shooting incident in Parkland, Florida that left 17 dead.

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The student was placed in Greene County Juvenile Detention February 17, Beavercreek Police Department said.

The student was also linked to an animated video depicting a shooting with a caption that stated, “Don’t go to school tomorrow,” police said.

The reports regarding the posts came into police February 15, with the animated video report coming in on February 16.

Beavercreek police thank the individuals who reported the information and urge individuals to be vigilant and alert.