
ODOT contributes funds to counties in Ohio to support transportation to COVID-19 vaccine clinics

Stock photo of cars on a road. (Suriyo Hmun Kaew / EyeEm / Getty Images)
(Suriyo Hmun Kaew / EyeEm / Getty Images)

COLUMBUS — The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) is teaming up with local transit agencies and health departments to make sure that all Ohioans have a way to get to vaccination sites.

ODOT is donating money to the Rides for Community Immunity program which will distribute $7 million across 88 Ohio counties to help some of the most vulnerable populations get to vaccination locations.

Seventy counties in Ohio have public transit programs that ODOT will award funds to directly. In the 18 other counties, ODOT will give the funding to the county health department so they can purchase transportation services, a media release stated.

“Transportation should not be a hurdle to any eligible Ohioan who wants to be vaccinated. We’re doing everything we can to make sure that access is available to all Ohioans, not just those with a vehicle or that live near a vaccination site,” said ODOT Director Jack Marchbanks.

Funding will be distributed based on the most recent U.S. Census data.

“We want to make sure all Ohioans who want the vaccine have equal ability to get the vaccine,” said Gov. Mike DeWine. “Equity includes having access to transportation services.”

Ohioans who have transportation needs are encouraged to reach out to either their local public transit agency or health department for details specific to their area.