Masked male steals smokes from Dayton store

A male wearing a black mask made off with more than one hundred packs of cigarettes from a Dayton convenience store early Sunday morning.

Troy Dairy Foods, 1006 Troy St., closed at 1 a.m.. and surveillance video shows an unknown male breaking in about an hour later, according to the Dayton police report.

The burglar shattered the front glass door. Once inside, he filled a pillow case with packs of cigarettes of various brands, an estimated 150 packs valued at $3,000, according to the report.

The burglar then emptied the cash registers before fleeing in a vehicle parked by the front of the store, according to the report.

Police said officers responded after an alarm was triggered when the door was shattered.

The burglar was described as white, 6-foot, 180 pounds and wearing a dark blue T-shirt with a long-sleeve plaid shirt underneath, dark blue work pants, a gray knit cap, white tennis shoes and black gloves, according to the report.