No jail for grandmother who gave pot to teen

A Piqua woman convicted of providing marijuana to her 13-year-old granddaughter won’t be going to jail but was ordered to undergo a drug and alcohol assessment and pursue any recommended treatment.

Christina Harrison, 58, was sentenced Tuesday, May 26, on a felony charge of corrupting another with drugs in Miami County Common Pleas Court. Harrison, who told Judge Jeannine Pratt before sentencing that she was set up on the charge, pleaded guilty to the allegations April 8.

Piqua police reported Harrison admitted to them that she allowed the girl to smoke marijuana in her car Nov. 2 in Piqua but did not smoke with her. Defense lawyer Steve King said Harrison did not have a criminal record and was caught up in “an unfortunate set of circumstances.”

Pratt ordered Harrison to complete three years of probation, to serve a 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew unless she was working, to have no unsupervised contact with the minor child and to undergo the drug and alcohol assessment.