
Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower tonight

The Eta Aquarids meteor shower will peak during the predawn hours of Wednesday.

If you have time after sunset, head outside and try to spot a few. The most meteors will be visible in the early morning hours before dawn. This shower is created from debris breaking off of Halley’s Comet.

As many as 30 meteors or more per hour can be viewed in the Southern Hemisphere, but likely closer to ten here in the Miami Valley.

Clouds and temperatures will cooperate but the same cannot be said for the moon. A bright waning gibbous moon will likely dim out some meteors. Don’t let the moonlight stop you from looking as the brightest meteors will still be visible. Find a spot away from city lights with a blanket or chair. Give yourself about 30 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the darkness then enjoy!

A live stream of the meteor shower will be livestreamed here.

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