
Coronavirus: Ohio Restaurant Association Education Foundation starts worker relief fund

(restaurant) (Midnight Believer/Flickr)
(Midnight Believer/Flickr)

The Ohio Restaurant Association Education Foundation), in collaboration with the Ohio Restaurant Association,, has formed the Ohio Restaurant Employee Relief Fund to activate emergency funding for personnel in the food service industry who have been affected by COVID-19.

“The newest ORA data confirms the economic impact from the coronavirus pandemic on the restaurant sector is severe, with more than 80% of owners/operators reporting sales down significantly,” John Barker, ORA president and CEO, said in a prepared statement.

“Overall, more than 6.6 million U.S. workers filed new claims for unemployment benefits last week, on top of 3.3 million a week earlier, marking unprecedented devastation across the labor market, and we know a significant portion of those laid off are restaurant employees. With this new fund, we can all work together to support people in Ohio’s restaurant, food service and hospitality industry and help make it vibrant again.”

ORA’s most recent weekly business impact poll was conducted March 29-April 1 and references information from 135 owners and operators for the week of March 15-21. The poll results show that 41% have closed locations and 1.5% indicated a permanent closing. These restaurant owners and managers are deeply concerned about employee layoffs, access to government relief, and the risk they face to survive this pandemic.

How the Employee Relief Fund Works

Any Ohio employee in the restaurant, food service or hospitality industry laid off because of the impact of COVID-19 is eligible to apply for a grant from the Employee Relief Fund. Funding is restricted for the use of housing expenses (e.g. mortgage or rent), living expenses (e.g. transportation and groceries), and medical expenses.

Applicants will need to prove their previous employment and fill out the application at OhioRestaurantsRelief.org. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and relief efforts will be based on need and available funding. Aid will be made as a single disbursement and may take up to four weeks to process. Applicants should note the funding award distributed may be a partial payment of the full amount requested.

Donations to the fund can be given at OhioRestaurantsRelief.org. All donations are tax-deductible and 100% of the funds will go directly to support displaced workers who are struggling with meeting their daily financial needs.

Donors and applicants can contact relief@ohioresetaurant.org with any questions.

The Ohio Restaurant Association Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit and its mission is to educate, cultivate and support the Ohio restaurant, hospitality and food service workforce. All donations are tax-deductible.