Coronavirus Pandemic: What you need to know Wednesday

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Gov. Mike DeWine could address several topics today when he holds his briefing on the state’s response to the pandemic. He said he would have something to add about school guidance on back-to-school plans this week. He also said he would on Thursday address what’s happening with bars and restaurants.

Still to come as well is the weekly update of the state’s Public Health Advisory Warning system map.

Tuesday, the governor made the following announcements :

  • Emergency Department visits related to COVID-19 have been dropping since a peak July 12.
  • The number of confirmed COVID-19 patients admitted to hospitals in Ohio shows a consistent increase. As of July 28, there are 1,144 individuals admitted to hospitals compared to 1,024 on July 15.
  • DeWine announced an order that will take all fairs to junior fairs, eliminating rides, games and grandstand events. A 10 p.m. curfew also will be in effect for the fairs. Livestock competitions and other 4-H and FFA competitions for children and teenagers will continue. Horse racing, without spectators, can continue. The order for fairs begins July 31 or later. Greene County announced changes to its fair late Monday.
  • Child care providers will be permitted to return to normal, statutory ratios and class sizes beginning Aug. 9. Child care providers will have a choice to get a subsidy and maintain their lower ratios or they can return to the normal statutory ratio. Even with increased classroom sizes, child care providers will still have to comply with stringent health and safety requirements, DeWine said.
  • DeWine said schools have been given guidance and districts will continue to be the decision makers when it comes to starting classes in-person or remotely. He hinted at possibly adding to the school guidance this week.

President Trump gave an update on the federal government’s response to the pandemic. Here are some of the highlights:

  • His administration has reached what Trump called an historic agreement with Eastman Kodak Co. to produce pharmaceutical ingredients. The Defense Production Act is being used to secure a $765 million loan to support creation of Kodak Pharmaceuticals. Kodak, which once made cameras, film and chemicals used in photographic film, will produce generic drugs and “key starting materials for many drugs” under the government agreement. Trump called the deal the latest step to produce the “greatest medical defense arsenal in the world.” Kodak’s Executive Chairman Jim Continenza told Market Watch that Kodak now plans to support “America’s self-sufficiency in producing the key pharmaceutical ingredients we need to keep our citizens safe.”
  • Trump said the use of the Defense Production Act in the Kodak deal is the 33rd use of the legislation. His administration previously used the Act to demand that Ford Motor Co. begin making respirators and masks and that General Motors Co. make ventilators.
  • Trump said under the CARES Act, $8 billion has been invested to help native American communities fight the virus. “It’s the largest investment in Indian country in America history,” he said.
  • Trump said his relationship with White House health adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci “is very good.” Claimed not to know Fauci’s stance on the pandemic. “I agree with a lot of what he’s said,” the president said. “We’ve done pretty much what he and others (Dr. Deborah Birx) have recommended. Trump said he should have the same high approval ratings Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx have received because he has agreed with Fauci.
  • The president said a prescription price reduction bill will be coming soon, promising to drop drug prices “by massive amounts, by numbers that have never been done before.” Trump said he thinks prescription drug prices can come down 50%.

Things you should know today, Wednesday

LATEST STATE DATA: As of Tuesday afternoon, there have been at least 87,893 confirmed or probable cases in the state, 3,422 deaths, and 10,553 hospitalizations, according to the Ohio Department of Health. 62,695 people are presumed to have recovered from the virus in the state.

Ohio has an estimated population of approximately 11.7 million, census records show.

[ Local cases, deaths reported to Ohio Department of Health ]

There have been 1,394,132 people test for the coronavirus in Ohio, according to the Ohio Department of Health.

A total of 9,839 health care workers have tested positive which is about 11 percent of the cases.

[ Local cases, deaths reported to Ohio Department of Health ]