
Clark Howard: January Spending

Wasteful Spending

DAYTON — This time of the year, people are making New Year’s resolutions. Saving more money is one of the most popular.

If you are sitting in January feeling like you’re spending last year was out of control, there never seems to be enough money.

Consumer Advisor Clark Howard said you should try a strategy. He’s recommended for years to people who are having trouble controlling their spending for stuff.

Howard says to set out days or weeks of a month through 2024 where you don’t go into stores. If you are having a hard time spending, only go to the grocery store every other week.

And visit other stories once a month, one day a month. The more you limit the time you’re online looking at shopping, the more you limit.

Howard says when you are in physical stores, the less you will spend. The more time you are actively shopping, the more you’ll spend.

So, the less time you spend in the stores, the more money you’ll save, said Howard.