The conversations continue with 5 local black women

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Yesterday, News Center 7 Anchor Letitia Perry introduced 5 local Black women who got together for honest conversation about the issues that affect Black families today.

The series, called “Conversations With 5 Black Women,” continues with conversation on the Black Lives Matter movement, the notion that natural black hair is unprofessional in the corporate world and changes recently seen in the traditional black church.

>> Part 1: Conversations with 5 local black women

All of the women agree — worship services are much more relaxed in today’s world compared to generations past.

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“Whether it was choir rehearsal or Easter practice, whatever; you went home, put on a skirt over them shorts, and you went back up to the church, and you better not be late,” said Dayton Police Officer Leatha Savage.

The women also talked about representing their own culture through hair styles, jewelry and clothing in the corporate world. They said it often becomes a chore when you have to justify or explain what you choose to wear to the office.

“Its absolutely annoying because it means you don’t know anything about our culture, and our history,” said Reverend Kima Cunningham, who pastors two area churches and runs the campus ministry at Central State University.

Other subjects tackled during the discussion included raising black sons in today’s world, protests against discrimination, the “Me Too Movement’’ and more.