
Coronavirus: Gov. DeWine announces guidelines for massage locations to open May 15

Massage Table (SEAN CUDAHY / STAFF)

COLUMBUS — Governor DeWine announced on Tuesday that massage therapy, acupuncture and cosmetic therapy could reopen Friday May 15.

The Ohio Department of Health released their guidelines for these businesses to be able to open.

Employees must:

  • ensure minimum of six feet between employees, if not possible, install barriers with the exception between customer and employee
  • allow all customers, patrons, visitors to use facial coverings
  • businesses must require all employees to wear facial coverings, exceptions apply
  • perform daily symptom assessments on themselves
  • be required to stay home if symptomatic
  • require regular hand washing by employees
  • place hand sanitizers in high-contact locations
  • wash their hands between clients - gloves should be used if appropriate
  • wear a gown, apron or covering if a procedure will allow the client’s body to come into contact with the employee’s clothing; covering must be disposed or changed between clients
  • before leaving the treatment room, employees should remove gloves, apply hand sanitizer, and use a paper towel or disinfectant wipe to open and close the door while leaving the room
  • upon leaving the treatment room after a client, the employee shall immediately undergo hand washing protocol while the client dresses
  • dispose of single use materials between clients
  • maintain accurate appointment records including date and time of service, name of client, and contact information to assist in contact tracing

For customers, patients, and guests, businesses must:

  • ensure minimum of six feet between clients, with the exception between customer and employee
  • initiate doorway screening assessment
  • ask customers and guests not enter the business if symptomatic
  • specify hours for at-risk population i.e. elderly
  • place hand sanitizers in high-contact locations
  • stagger entry of clients and allow sufficient time for disinfection between patients
  • only clients will be allowed in the establishment for their service, unless accompanied by a caregiver
  • no walk-in clients, services must be by appointment only
  • only individual massages are permitted, i.e. no group or couple massages
  • avoid shaking hands with clients or hugging
  • have the client wash and sanitize hands upon arrival or ask clients to use hand sanitizer before going to the treatment room

For physical space, businesses must:

  • ensure minimum of six feet between clients, with the exception between customer and employee
  • for businesses providing retail services, all previous retail guidance should be implemented
  • discard magazines and other non-essential items in the waiting area that cannot be disinfected
  • place hand sanitizer in all common areas
  • post social distancing signage
  • clean merchandise before stocking
  • establish maximum capacity
  • discontinue all self-service refreshments
  • discontinue client use of product testers
  • disinfected all high touch areas regularly
  • ensure thorough workstation/table, equipment, device, and surface disinfection, including oil or lotion dispensers and all linens replaced after each client (no linen stacking)
  • conduction a daily deep cleaning and sanitation of all tools including massage tables
  • use products with non-permeable barriers, such as vinyl matress pad covers, to cover table and table warmers, and put similar coverings on bolsters, face cradles, and pillows
  • products such as oils and lotions should be removed from treatment rooms and the bottles sanitized with approved disinfectances between uses
  • pump bottles and oil/lotion holsters are prohibited

For laundry:

  • discard single-use items immediately after use
  • any towel, cloth, or other item used to clean a spill of blood or bodily fluids shall be discarded by placing in double bags or in a bio hazard container
  • laundry should be stored in covered, sanitized containers that are clearly delineated clean versus soiled
  • use appropriate temperatures when washing and drying items to insure sanitation
  • do not shake dirty laundry to minimize the possibility of dispersing virus through the air
  • remove all linens, blankets, and table setups; fold items in on themselves before putting in a closed bin or hamper
  • gloves should be worn when handling soiled laundry

For the full guide, use the link here.