Coronavirus Pandemic: 442 cases in Ohio, Miami County records first confirmed COVID-19 death

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Ohio now has 442 confirmed cases of coronavirus reported to the state health department, including 6 deaths.

Miami County Public Health officials confirmed their first coronavirus death, a resident from Koester Pavilion. Two others at Koester Pavilion have died, but are awaiting test results for coronavirus.

According to state numbers, 104 people have been admitted to hospitals, including people who could have been treated and released, the state said.

The age range of those infected range from less than 1-year-old to 93-years-old.

Gov. Mike DeWine provided an update at 2:30 p.m. on the state’s response:

  • Child care slots for pandemic licensed facilities will be prioritized for families that include first responders, health care workers.  Remaining slots will be made available after priority groups have the opportunity to sign up
  • Immediate hiring freeze in state government, the exception being jobs needed in the fight against coronavirus
  • Freeze on travel for state workers will continue
  • There is a freeze on new contract services with the state
  • If anyone in your household shows signs, symptoms of coronavirus, quarantine the entire household
  • There were some technological issues with the state's unemployment site this morning; those problems are being addressed and should be fixed soon

Montgomery County and Miami County health officials held a press conference at 4 p.m. to provide the latest.

Here are the announcements:

  • Montgomery County has 12 confirmed cases -- 6 women and 6 men.  Of those, one has been admitted to a hospital
  • The Montgomery County COVID-19 help line is 937-225-6217 and is available Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekends
  • Montgomery County commissioners said if you are looking for a job, call 937-225-JOBS (5627)
  • Homeless shelters have activated their emergency response plans.  Mayor Nan Whaley said, as there is a lot of stress on the homeless shelter system
  • Evictions in Dayton are on hold temporarily and people should not move out unless a law enforcement officer is present during this crisis, Whaley said
  • Pet grooming and landscaping are non-essential businesses and should abide by the governor's order, Whaley said.

Dr. Amy Acton has signed a stay-at-home order for Ohio that will go into effect tonight at 11:59 p.m. and will last until April 6. There are some exceptions such as essential businesses and travel for necessary supplies.


  • President Trump's Coronavirus Task Force gave its briefing Monday evening. Here are some highlights:
  • "The hardship will end. It will end soon," Trump said.
  • Trump said it is important to protect the Asian community. "It's not their fault at all. They have been working hard to get rid of it"
  • Trump signed an order prohibiting the hoarding of health and medical products and making price gouging involving those same products illegal. The Justice Department will pursue such cases
  • He also signed an order prohibiting price gouging of health and medical products
  • Clinical trials on drugs for malaria, to be used against COVID-19, are to begin soon in Nee York
  • "It would be a gift from God" if the drugs work, Trump said. "A game changer"
  • Trump called on Congress to stop bipartisan fighting and agree on the massive relief bill

Local confirmed cases:

  • Butler - 17
  • Champaign - 1
  • Clark - 2
  • Clinton- 1
  • Darke - 1
  • Logan - 1
  • Greene - 1
  • Miami - 17
  • Montgomery - 12
  • Warren - 5

Gov. Mike DeWine, state health department Director Dr. Amy Acton, and Lt. Gov. Jon Husted met with reporters Sunday.  Here are some of the highlights:

  • Dr. Acton has signed a state health director's "stay at home" order for all Ohioans. Some call it "shelter in place". There are exceptions, such as taking a walk or walking your dog or travel for essential activities, for necessary supplies and services.
  • Congregating at playgrounds and other areas where virus can be spread easily will not be allowed
    • "We did not order religious organizations, churches, synagogues, mosques, but … to everyone is 'this is serious. It's dangerous. It's just dangerous.
    • "I would implore ministers, priests, rabbis everyone to think about your congregation."
    • "Coming together in a large group is just not a good idea. In fact, it's just very, very dangerous."
    • Violating the order for bars and restaurants to close id a second-degree misdemeanor, DeWine said.
    • "But we don't look for, two days from now, people to be arrested…. This is something that is important."
    • "For the businesses that are staying open, you really, really need to follow this."
    • Husted echoed the comments, that there are technologies that allow people to worship without gathering.
  • Beginning Thursday, all daycare facilities must operate under temporary pandemic childcare license (maximum of 6 children per room)
  • The onset period of the latest confirmed COVID-19 cases is Feb. 7 through March 22. The age range is 1 year old to 93 years old. The median age is 51 years old
  • DeWine ordered flags at half-staff for Springdale police Officer Kaia Grant, killed Saturday night in a vehicle crash, and for state Rep. Manning of Mahoning County, who died Friday of a heart attack.
  • DeWine will ask the legislature to forgo state-mandated board testing for school children.
  • DeWine will ask that prescriptions for malaria drugs to fight COVID-19 be allowed.
  • There are critical businesses in the supply chain that are hiring by the thousands, including: Walmart, Kroger, Meijer, Amazon, Discount Drug Mart, convenience stores that sell gas and more. Lt. Gov. Husted directed people to

>> Warren County health officials confirm second positive COVID-19 case

President Trump and some members of the COVID-19 Task Force had a meeting Sunday here are the highlights: 

  • Trump said of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart of Florida, both of whom have tested positive for COVID-19, "They'll be fine. I think they'll all be fine."
  • National Emergency Disaster declarations have been granted for New York, California and Washington state. Because of that, National Guard units have been designated for those states, Governors for those states will retain control of the Guard units.
  • Under the declaration, FEMA will coordinate construction of medical stations in New York, California and Washington state. the USNS Mercy will be deployed to Los Angeles. The USNS Comfort will be deployed to New York
  • The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be providing alternative care sites.
  • Trump has signed the Defense Production Act, which will send hundreds of thousands of respiratory masks, gowns, and other personal protective equipment to New York, California and Washington state.
  • Honeywell is doubling production of hundreds of thousands of protective masks,
  • The Department of Energy and IBM are partnering to implement the use of supercomputers to fight the virus.
  • The GI Bill will be used to to help provide distance learning for military veterans.
  • Visitor access to Veteran Administration medical centers has been restricted.
  • "We're all joined together," Trump said. "No one is alone as long as we're all united."
  • "This is the greatest mobilization of the industrial base since World War II," said Peter Navarro, director, White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy.
  • Trump said he would be "totally in favor, at least temporarily", of Congress being allowed to vote on legislation from "a certain outside location" because the virus has hit some of the members.
  • U.S. military forces have rescued a woman who was held captive in Peru, where "she was being treated horribly."