Coronavirus: University of Dayton recalls all employees furloughed by pandemic

DAYTON — All University of Dayton employees that were part of the school’s furloughs caused by the coronavirus pandemic have been recalled and will begin returning to work over the next several weeks, university officials announced Thursday.

PREVIOUS REPORT: University of Dayton announces hundreds of layoffs, furloughs in response to virus

In an email sent to faculty and staff members, UD officials said some furloughed employees began to return in early July but most will be back at work over the next three weeks. Employees that are able to perform their responsibilities remotely will be asked to do so and will likely continue through the entire fall semester.

In April, UD announced 446 workers would be furloughed in response to financial strain caused by the pandemic. The announcement in April also resulted with 60 employees whose jobs were eliminated.

All full-time lecturers were awarded contracts for the upcoming school year, a process the school said was delayed due to uncertainty caused by the pandemic.

Despite the news of bringing back the furloughed employees, UD warned the uncertainty surrounding the pandemic could require more action to shore up financial resources.

“Much remains uncertain about the pandemic, including whether regional conditions or an outbreak on campus could force us to return to remote learning. This and the resulting loss of revenue could require the University to take additional steps to significantly reduce operating expenditures, including those related to employment and compensation,” UD President Eric Spina said in the email.

In an effort to protect the financial health of the university, some spending measures already in place will remain.

“The University will remain vigilant, and thus other measures we have taken to protect the financial health of the institution will remain in place for the time being, including the cessation of most capital spending, minimal hiring activity, temporary halt to retirement contributions for all employees, and a voluntary pay reduction taken by senior leaders,” Spina said.