
Ohio Department of Health launches new retail mask compliance dashboard

The Ohio Department of Health launched a new portion of the COVID-19 dashboard that tracks mask compliance at retail locations across the state.

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The dashboard was created following the order signed in November by the ODH for retail stores and businesses to require and enforce facial coverings.

The dashboard shows data on mask wearing, social distancing, and safety signage in Ohio retail stores, Gov. Mike DeWine said in a social media post Friday. Additionally the dashboard tracks the number of warnings and orders for closure issued by the Retail Compliance Unit.

Since the Retail Compliance Unit began tracking and enforcing the mask order, over 93 percent of customers observed inside businesses have been properly wearing masks. Nearly 94 percent of all businesses have had employees properly wearing masks as well.

Only one business in the state has been issued a warning and none have been ordered to close.

The dashboard will be updated every Thursday and will include data from the previous week as well as cumulative data.

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