Driver shot after leaving gentlemen’s club

A man was shot in the chest while driving in the area of Shoup Mill and Needmore roads early Sunday morning.

The passenger in the car told police he and the victim were leaving Plush Nightclub on Wagner Ford Road, heading towards “an afterhours night club somewhere between Riverside Drive and Frederick Pike,” according to the Dayton police report.

The passenger told police they were in the left hand lane of Shoup Mill Road when he heard three to four gunshots, according to the report.

The passenger told police he was “half-asleep” at the time and had been leaning back in the vehicle. He sat up when he heard the gunshots and saw a “dark colored four-door sedan in the right lane,” according to the report.

The driver told his friend he had been shot.

The victim, 24, pulled over at the United Dairy Farmers on North Dixie Drive to have the passenger drive him to Miami Valley Hospital, according to the report.

The driver told police he was near Frederick Pike when a red vehicle pulled up next to him and started shooting. The victim told police the red vehicle pulled ahead of him and “just opened fire,” according to the report.

The driver told police he was unclear if the driver or passenger of the car was shooting, but said he immediately knew he had been shot.

Police said the bullet lodged in the victim’s spine, but it was not considered to be a life-threatening injury.

Police said the car had multiple bullet holes, including one in the front windshield and some in the hood.

They also found white scrape marks on the passenger side of the car, according to the report.

No evidence was found ini the area where the shooting reportedly occurred, according to the report.