Crime And Law

Huber Heights man gets 7 years in child rape case

David Boughter Jr. David S. Boughter Jr. (MONTGOMERY COUNTY JAIL)

DAYTON — A 53-year-old Huber Heights man will spend the next seven years in prison for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl.

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David S. Boughter Jr. was sentenced Wednesday after he pleaded guilty April 1 to two counts of rape.

The incident happened Dec. 12 at a Huber Heights residence and involved a girl known to Boughter, police said.

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As part of his conviction, Boughter -- who received credit for 126 days already served in jail -- was labeled a Tier III sex offender, meaning he will have to register his address every 90 days (three months) with his local sheriff’s office for the rest of his life.

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