Dayton Shooting: Hotlines, meet site set up for families of Oregon District victims


DAYTON — Dayton police have opened the Dayton Convention Center as a place for resources to help those affected by the shooting in the Oregon District.

Friends or family members of people who were in the area of the shooting can get information at the convention center, 22 E. Fifth St. in Dayton.  Family members and friends can dial the following numbers for information:

  • 937-333-8431
  • 937-333-8421
  • 937-333-8428
  • 937-333-8436
  • 937-333-8430

» LIVE UPDATES: 9 dead, 27 injured, suspect dead in Oregon District shooting

PHOTOS: Scenes from the Oregon District shooting

News Center 7’s Mike Campbell has been reporting from the convention center. He reports that police are allowing family and friends in, but are asking that only family or friends come there for information.