Brock Turner victim Chanel Miller on ‘60 Minutes’ tonight


Earlier this month we learned her name, and now we’re just a few hours away from getting to know more about Chanel Miller.

RELATED: Chanel Miller comes forward in new book, reveals name and face

She’s opening up about how Oakwood native Brock Turner sexually assaulted her in 2015 in an interview with Bill Whitaker from “60 Minutes.”

News Center 7’s Molly Koweek gives a preview of what to expect, and how Miller wants everyone to know her name.

“She realized that words do have power, and I think that’s what spurred her to go on and write the book, ‘Know My Name,’” Whitaker said.

This breaks the anonymity she maintained since 2015, when she was sexually assaulted by Turner on the Stanford University campus.

>> Brock Turner loses appeal of sexual assault conviction

“When she delivered her victim impact statement in court, the judge right after that sentenced Brock Turner to a lenient sentence,” Whitaker said.

Turner only had to serve three months of a six-month jail sentence.

That was painful for her, said Whitaker.

“She thought that she had bared her soul to the public for absolutely no reason, that this was a waste of her time,” he said.

But then something changed, when her full, 7,000-word statement was put online. People from all over the world started reaching out.

>> Brock Turner registers in Greene County as Tier III sex offender

“I think that is what propelled her, compelled her to write this book and she’s coming forward with her name, with her book, and the first time she’s presenting her face, and her name will be on ‘60 Minutes’ this Sunday,” he said.

“60 Minutes” airs at 7:30 p.m. tonight on Channel 7, or right after the NFL if the Steelers and 49ers game runs late.