Woman ransacks Dayton Shell and exposes self

DAYTON — A woman exposed her bare breasts and ransacked the Shell station on South Smithville Road after the store employees refused to let her use the business’ phone, according to a police report.

Officers responded to the store to find Samantha Wenger, 23, of Dayton, inside the business.

Employees at the store told police Wenger asked to use the phone at the store around 11 p.m. and after employees refused, she left the store, but came back about 10 minutes later, the report said.

Wenger allegedly exposed her breasts to employees and other customers and also ransacked the business, destroying a price scanner and throwing chocolate donuts, ice cream and Mountain Dew around the business, the report said.

According to the report, Wenger also threatened the employees with a glass bottle.

Police arrested Wenger and she slipped out of one of the handcuffs while she was in the back of the cruiser, the report said.

An individual who was with Wenger said the two had recently met at a local hospital psych ward, according to the report.

Wenger was eventually transported to Montgomery County Jail, where she was booked for public indecency, menacing and vandalism, according to jail records.