Crime And Law

Richmond officer shooting: Prayers for critically injured officer from states away

RICHMOND — As a Richmond Police officer fights for her life, communities near and far are lettering her know they have her support.

Officer Seara Burton was shot in the head during a traffic stop Wednesday evening by Phillip Lee, Richmond Police say.

>>PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Richmond police officer shot during traffic stop

People from not just the Miami Valley are rooting for Officer Burton to get better but also from states away.

It’s been a difficult few days for the Richmond Police Department and the family and friends of Officer Burton.

But News Center 7′s Brandon Lewis reports the support for them has been just as strong.

“And just, God, just look after her,” said 10-year-old Manny Bussey.

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His parents are close friends with Officer Burton’s cousins and when he learned about what happened, he decided to do something.

“She’s going to get married next week,” he told Lewis. “I just really want her to make it.”

He did something miles away from the Miami Valley in Alabama.

“Manny is in the middle of a TV show and it stops,” said Chelsea Bussey, Manny’s mom. “He says, ‘Mama, we have to pray.’ I said, ‘like right now?’ And he said, right now.’”

Manny has autism and his parents tell Lewis he’s prayed every night since Officer Burton was shot and plans to continue.

His mom posted him praying on Facebook.

“Manny is very pure. His heart is just,” said Chelsea and Courtney Bussey. “There’s no filter on Manny so whatever he’s going to think he’s going to say and whatever he says he means.”

Manny is hoping Officer Burton can pull through and so did hundreds of people who came out to a prayer vigil for her in Richmond Friday evening.

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Officer Burton’s fiancée posted on Facebook thanking everyone for their support.

“Seara is the strongest person I know,” she said in a post. “She is the most beautiful human inside and out.”

Officer Burton’s great uncle told Lewis Friday after the vigil he appreciated the people thinking of his family.

“It’s overwhelming,” he said. “It’s just so overwhelming.”

Chelsea Bussey said they will continue to pray for Officer Burton to pull and do amazing things with her life.

Officer Burton was supposed to get married next weekend.

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Lee remains in jail and a judge set a bond at $1 million after approving six charges against him, including attempted murder.

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