Crime And Law

Mother, boyfriend accused in death of 6-year-old indicted on 31 felonies, search for James Hutchinson’s body to resume this weekend

Police said Brittany Gosney (top left) and James Hamilton (bottom left) have been charged in connection with the murder and disappearance of the body of Gosney's 6-year-old son James Hutchinson.
Mother charged Police said Brittany Gosney (top left) and James Hamilton (bottom left) have been charged in connection with the murder and disappearance of the body of Gosney's 6-year-old son James Hutchinson. (Middletown Division of Police/Twitter)
(Middletown Division of Police/Twitter)

MIDDLETOWN — The Middletown mother and her boyfriend accused in the death her 6-year-old son in Preble County before dumping his body in the Ohio River were indicted on a combined 31 felony charges.

Brittany Gosney, 29, and James Hamilton, 42, were indicted by a Butler County Grand Jury today. Gosney faces 16 charges including murder, involuntary manslaughter, tampering with evidence, child endangering, kidnapping and gross abuse of a corpse. Hamilton faces 15 charges including, kidnapping, gross abuse of a corpse, child endangering, tampering with evidence and abduction.

The search for the body of James Hutchinson will resume Sunday, when search crews will return to the Ohio River in Lawrenceburg, Indiana after high water delayed the search through most of the week, according to Middletown police.

>>RELATED: Timeline: How the investigation into James Hutchinson’s death unfolded

The Ohio River had been above flood stage through most of the week which caused crews to suspend the search through the week until water levels recede.

>>RELATED: Recovery efforts for James Hutchinson suspended Wednesday due to Ohio River levels

According to police, Hutchinson’s body was dumped in the river at the I-275 bridge after he was killed in Preble County. Investigators allege his mother, Gosney, 29, attempted to abandon the boy and his two siblings at Rush Run Wildlife Area in Preble County in the early morning hours of Saturday, February 27.

>>PHOTOS: Middletown Schools hold vigil for James Hutchinson

Court and investigative records indicate Hutchinson grabbed the vehicle as Gosney tried to leave, when he was either run over or drug. Gosney said when she went to check on Hutchinson he was dead.

>>RELATED: ‘James was important. James was loved;’ School leaders hold vigil for Middletown six-year-old

About a day after Hutchinson died, police said Gosney and her boyfriend, Hamilton, drove to Lawrenceburg to dispose of the boy’s body into the Ohio River, police said. Hours after disposing the body, Gosney and Hamilton then tried to report Hutchinson as missing before police interviewed both and came to the conclusion the boy had been killed.

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A memorial fund named the “James You Are Loved” Memorial Fund has been established to benefit the boy’s two siblings Rachel and Lucas, Middletown city leaders said in a statement Friday.

The fund was established at First Financial Bank by Middletown City School District, Middletown Police Department, the City of Middletown, and local faith-based support groups.

To contribute to the fund:

  • To make a donation, you can visit or send an e-check to any First Financial Bank Branch using the name “James You Are Loved Memorial Fund.”
  • You can mail a physical check to Middletown City School District, One Donham Plaza, 4th Floor, Middletown, OH 45042 to the attention of “James You Are Loved Memorial Fund.”
  • To make a donation online, donors should go to

“Every child is deserving of love. As a Middie family, we loved James dearly and we will continue to love Rachel and Lucas. There is hope for a brighter future,” Marlon Styles, Jr., Superintendent of Middletown City School District said in the release.