Crime And Law

Vandalia motel to be closed by city fire officials

(Getty Images/Stock photo)
(Getty Images/Stock photo)

VANDALIA — City of Vandalia Fire officials are preparing for the closure of the Super 8 Motel located on National Road, according to a news release.

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The motel’s operating permit was revoked Friday and the building must be vacated and secured no later than Monday.

The city has been working with motel guests to make them aware of the situation and also connecting with a number of long-term motel residents to help them find a more suitable living arrangement, the city said.

Each guest was provided a list of emergency shelters and organizations which help people find permanent housing.

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“We know some of the guests are long-term residents who have been there many months, and even years,” said Jason Eckert, Vandalia Fire Marshal. “Those staying longer periods typically use electrical devices such as hot plates and other cookware, and multiple extension cords to keep everything plugged in.”

He added the rooms are not equipped to handle the additional electric demands, and extension cords can be serious fire hazards.

“The Motel has 94 rooms and can handle 180 guests at any given time,” Eckhert said.

In their inspections, they saw multiple rooms with cooking appliances and extension cords, according to the fire marshal

“A fire in a room with a non-functioning smoke detector, in a building with a non-functioning fire suppression system could end with tragic and deadly results,” Eckhert said.

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The notice of permit revocation listed nine specific fire code violations and the order to evacuate the premises listed 12 specific open violations that must be addressed, according to the city.

Plans call for the structure to be boarded up and secured once all the guests have vacated the premises.