
Indiana bans sale of 44 invasive plant species

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Indiana has banned the sale and exchange of nearly four dozen invasive plants that pose a threat to the state’s native plants and animals. The Indianapolis Star reports that the rule took effect April 18 banning 44 species of invasive plants, including five different species of honeysuckles that eventually choke out surrounding plants. Among other banned plants are the Japanese barberry and Wintercreeper. The plants can still be owned.

Here is the list of plants by their common names and their scientific names from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources:

  • Japanese chaff flower: Achyranthes japonica
  • tree of heaven: Ailanthus altissima
  • garlic mustard: Alliaria petiolata
  • black alder: Alnus glutinosa
  • mugwort: Artemisia vulgaris
  • small carpgrass: Arthraxon hispidus
  • Japanese barberry: Berberis thunbergii
  • spiny plumeless thistle: Carduus acanthoides
  • musk thistle: Carduus nutans
  • Asian bittersweet: Celastrus orbiculatus
  • spotted knapweed: Centaurea stoebe
  • bull thistle: Cirsium vulgare
  • poison hemlock: Conium maculatum
  • field bindweed: Convolvulus arvensis
  • crown vetch: Coronilla varia
  • Chinese yam: Dioscorea polystachya (oppositifolia)
  • common teasel: Dipsacus fullonum
  • cut-leaved teasel: Dipsacus laciniatus
  • autumn olive: Elaeagnus umbellata
  • wintercreeper: Euonymus fortunei
  • leafy spurge: Euphorbia esula
  • glossy buckthorn: Frangula alnus
  • dame's rocket: Hesperis matronalis
  • Japanese hops: Humulus japonicus
  • pepperweed: Lepidium latifolium
  • sericea lespedeza: Lespedeza cuneata
  • blunt-leaved privet: Ligustrum obtusifolium
  • Japanese honeysuckle: Lonicera japonica
  • Amur honeysuckle: Lonicera maacki
  • Morrow's honeysuckle: Lonicera morrowii
  • Tatarian honeysuckle: Lonicera tatarica
  • Bell's honeysuckle: Lonicera x bella
  • Japanese stiltgrass: Microstegium vimineum
  • white mulberry: Morus alba
  • reed canarygrass: Phalaris arundinacea
  • Amur cork tree: Phellodendron amurense
  • Common/giant reed: Phragmites australis subspp. Australis
  • mile-a-minute vine: Polygonum perfoliatum
  • Japanese knotweed: Reynoutria japonica (Syn: Fallopia japonica or Polygonum cuspidatum)
  • giant knotweed: Reynoutria sachalinensis
  • Bohemian knotweed: Reynoutria x bohemica
  • common buckthorn: Rhamnus cathartica
  • black swallow-wort: Vincetoxicum nigrum
  • pale swallow-wort: Vincetoxicum rossicum