Infrastructure plan could have big impact on jobs in U.S.

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week could be a key test in President Biden’s pitch for a spending bill with a focus on infrastructure, and lawmakers could vote on it Wednesday.

Lawmakers said they are trying to find common ground on an infrastructure package – the impact on jobs could be one of the biggest aspects to this and how deep it really could be and who could benefit the most.

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In cities and towns across the country, the pandemic hit jobs and small businesses hard. According to the Labor Department, 9.5 million people are out of work. Yet today, President Biden celebrated where we are.

“Six months in here is where we stand – record growth, record job creation, workers getting hard-earned breaks,” President Biden said.

According to the While House, 90 percent of the jobs that could come from the spending package could go to workers who don’t have college degrees. That could be a key shift in what’s been happening in recent years.

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Before the pandemic, a majority of job gains went to college graduates.

“More than 3 million new jobs all tolled. That is the fastest growth I’m told at this point in my adminstration’s history,” President Biden said.

While Democrats try to build support with each other, Republicans said they’re committed to finding a resolution.

Sen. Lisa Murkowski, (R) of Alaska said, “We’re continuing with our bipartisan effort. That’s what I’m working on.”

Sen. Bill Cassidy, (R) of Louisiana said, “We’re still working on them.”

The President’s visits recently, have targeted places to focus on job growth. He’ll do that again this week when he visits a union training center in Cincinnati.