Lima 7-day weather forecast

Stacker compiled the weather forecast in Rome, Georgia using data from OpenWeather.

Stacker created the forecast for Lima, Ohio using data from OpenWeather. This week's high is 70 °F on Saturday, while the low is 38 °F on Monday. There are expected to be 2 sunny days and rain on 3 days this week.

There are currently no weather alerts.

Monday, March 10

- High of 60 °F, low of 38 °F (49% humidity)

- Sunny with a 0% chance of rain

- Moderate risk of harm from sun exposure (4 UV index)

- Moderate breeze (14 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:55 AM, sunset at 7:37 PM

Ahmet Naim // Shutterstock

Tuesday, March 11

- High of 62 °F, low of 45 °F (58% humidity)

- Partly cloudy with a 0% chance of rain

- Moderate risk of harm from sun exposure (4 UV index)

- Moderate breeze (18 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:54 AM, sunset at 7:38 PM

Onishchenko Natalya // Shutterstock

Wednesday, March 12

- High of 63 °F, low of 38 °F (70% humidity)

- Overcast with a 0% chance of rain

- Moderate risk of harm from sun exposure (4 UV index)

- Gentle breeze (12 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:52 AM, sunset at 7:39 PM

Jurga Jot // Shutterstock

Thursday, March 13

- High of 57 °F, low of 43 °F (80% humidity)

- Overcast with a 22% chance of rain (0 mm of rain)

- Moderate risk of harm from sun exposure (4 UV index)

- Gentle breeze (9 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:51 AM, sunset at 7:40 PM

Robert Schlie // Shutterstock

Friday, March 14

- High of 68 °F, low of 50 °F (57% humidity)

- Mostly cloudy with a 25% chance of rain (0 mm of rain)

- Moderate risk of harm from sun exposure (5 UV index)

- Fresh breeze (19 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:49 AM, sunset at 7:41 PM

- Full moon

Hellame // Shutterstock

Saturday, March 15

- High of 70 °F, low of 57 °F (53% humidity)

- Overcast with a 100% chance of rain (14 mm of rain)

- Moderate risk of harm from sun exposure (5 UV index)

- Strong breeze (28 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:47 AM, sunset at 7:42 PM

VOJTa Herout // Shutterstock

Sunday, March 16

- High of 54 °F, low of 39 °F (42% humidity)

- Sunny with a 0% chance of rain

- Moderate risk of harm from sun exposure (5 UV index)

- Strong breeze (25 mph wind)

- Sunrise at 7:46 AM, sunset at 7:43 PM