
AES Ohio supply charges to rise from 4.8 cents to 10.9 cents per kWh: How that changes your bill


Get ready to pay more on your electric bill if AES Ohio is your supplier for electricity at your home.

“Due to a number of conditions including the situation in Ukraine, inflation, price of natural gas and market conditions our customers will see rates increased by $0.06 per kWh, potentially doubling the price of the standard service offer,” said Mary Ann Kabel, spokeswoman for AES Ohio.

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So, what does that mean for how much you pay?

  • For a customer who uses 1,000 kWh per month, they will see a $60 increase on their bill, Kabel said.

The changes go into effect beginning on June 1, which will increase the residential supply charge from 4.8 cents to 10.9 cents per kWh.

To see if AES-Ohio is your supplier, you can view the second page of your bill and under the “Supply Charges” section and if the AES Ohio logo is present next to “Supply Total” then AES Ohio is your supplier.

There is a way for you to potentially save money. You can review the available competitive supplier offers by visiting the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s Energy Choice Ohio website at energychoice.ohio.gov. If you see a better available rate on the site, you are able to sign-up for an alternate supplier.

The changes in the supply charges coming to AES Ohio customers do not impact the delivery charges.

AES Ohio, along with other utility providers in Ohio, participate in a market-based auction for generation and the auction is conducted by an independent third party with oversight from PUCO, Kabel said.

AES Ohio does offer information on strategies you can take to save on your energy use.

More information on AES Ohio can be found here.