AES Ohio warning consumers about potential utility scams

MIAMI VALLEY — AES Ohio is warning consumers to be careful of any utility scams.

>>RELATED: Sheriff’s office issues warning about recent phone scams

This is part of National Consumer Protection Week.

AES Ohio says that scammers continued to use “sophisticated tactics” and threaten disconnection unless an immediate payment is made with a prepaid debit card, gift card, cryptocurrency, or other third-party payment mobile apps, according to a spokesperson.

They will also make AES Ohio’s phone number appear on the caller ID, even when the call is not coming from AES Ohio.

“Scammers can be convincing and often target those who are most vulnerable, including senior citizens and low-income communities,” the spokesperson said. “They also target small business owners during busy customer service hours.”

>>RELATED: Area police department issues warning about recent phone scam

AES Ohio listed potential signs of a scam:

  • Threat to disconnect: Scammers may aggressively demand immediate payment for an alleged past-due bill.
  • Refund or rebate offers: Scammers may say the utility company overbilled you and owes you a refund, or you are entitled to a rebate.
  • Request for immediate payment: Scammers may instruct a customer to make an immediate payment or purchase a prepaid card then call them back to make a bill payment.

AES Ohio is asking customers to notify them if they receive a call and are not sure that the caller is from the company.

For more information, visit this website.