Aftermath of Hurricane Ian likely to cause Dayton-area home remodeling and repairs to cost more

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KETTERING — Home remodeling and repairs are among the services you are likely to pay more for because of Hurricane Ian.

“Roofing and everything is going back up,” Jeff Fessenden, who has been contracting and roofing in the Dayton area for almost 50 years, told News Center 7′s Mike Campbell.

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Fessenden said he believes the massive damage the storm inflicted and the rebuilding efforts that may take years are about to drive prices up on everything to do with home and business construction.

“Labor, sheeting, roofing, windows, doors, it will all go up,” Fessenden said.

Michelle Kemp needed Fessenden and his crew for her roof.

“I had a leak in my house and he was willing to work with me and did it at a reasonable price,” the Kettering resident said.

But now, after seeing everything Hurricane Ian did and how much help will be needed in the southeast, she’s also happy the timing worked out before the shortage hit on supplies.

“And I know our prices are going to go up because of hurricanes and storm damage,” Fessenden said.

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Local contractors believe the hurricane’s impact will be felt across the country, Campbell reports. Incredible demand for supplies in Florida will drive prices up and lead to supply chain issues. And an already tough time recruiting employees might become even more difficult.

“And you got winter time coming up?” Fessenden said. “You don’t do as much roofing in the winter, they are going to run that way” to the southeastern United States.

Campbell reports that it’s not just the supplies, but work crews in the Dayton area will likely be offered work in Florida . . . and will then have a choice to make, which could impact projects in the area for weeks and months to come.