
Area roofing companies warn of ‘contractors’ looking to scam storm victims


MIAMI VALLEY — Area roofing companies are warning the public of so-called contractors who are offering to help clean up storm damage.

Jackie Helton, of Copeland Roofing, said these contractors will come in from out of town and find homes with storm damage.

Your insurance company agrees and estimates the amount of damage done and the contractors will get to work on your roof.

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“They’ll do the whole roof but then something will happen,” Helton said.

In some cases, the insurance money will not cover fixing the new problems.

“It’s kind of sad sometimes because they are out the whole roof. Then they’re out of money or insurance money are gone,” Helton said.

In Ohio, it is not illegal to impersonate a contractor, according to Jessie Walter of JW Roofing.

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Both Walters and Helton suggest paying attention to little things to help prevent yourself from getting scammed.

Such as do they have a legitimate office or a reputable shingle supplier you can call, can they show you their business insurance, and how long have they been in the business.

If you are still unsure, you can search the businesses on the Better Business Beauru’s website which will tell you if a company is legitimate as well as give it a rating.

You can also file a complaint with the BBB if you have been scammed.