
‘Brutal;’ Air conditioning repair workers stay busy in heatwave

Air conditioning companies have rarely ever been busier than they are right now because of a heat wave.

Helping people with their AC units all begins with the dispatch officer.

Lead Dispatcher Abbey Bowling said this week calls and shipments have been nonstop.

“It’s been so incredibly overwhelming,” Bowling said. “Hundreds, 200, 300 a day, wanting us to come out.”

Every day crews have been out in the heat helping those callers.

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“I don’t remember a week quite as stressful as this one, and hot and long days as this one. It’s been a tough one. This one’s just brutal,” Bret Fuller, a service technician with Logan AC and Heat said.

Fuller spends anywhere from 30 minutes to over an hour fixing people’s units.

“There’s no relief, Sometimes the houses feel hotter than the outside,” he said.

Taking breaks and staying hydrated is key.

Bret said he has roughly four to eight repairs a day in 90-plus-degree weather.

“It’s the nature of the beast. That’s what we signed up for,” Fuller said.

What helps is when customers go out of their way to show their appreciation

“Almost every house we go to they offer cold drinks, they’ll tell you ‘Hey if you need a break, take a break,” he said. “It does help us get through the day a little better.”

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