
Carillon Park’s bald eagles Orv and Willa are going to be parents again

DAYTON — It’s a big day on the boulevard, Carillon Boulevard that is. That’s because there is an egg in bald eagles Orv and Willa’s nest.

This is the third time in the last four years that she’s laid the first egg on the 16th of February, according to eagle expert Jim Weller.

>> Photos: Carillon Park bald eagles Orv and Willa are going to be parents again

Weller said he knows there’s an egg in the nest by the birds’ behavior.

“They were both up on the side of the nest for quite a while this morning, and then she went down in the nest, right after he brought some grass in. He likes to keep her comfortable, and they use the grass to cushion the eggs and make a little pocket there to lay the eggs in. So he brought the grass in. She immediately went down in the nest. She was down there for about three hours before she stood up again, and that was just about when he came flying in, and then when she got up, he got down on the egg,” Weller said.

Weller said right now there’s probably just one egg, and a second usually comes a day or two later.

“I think it’s just as exciting this time as it was the first time. Because just to think that these are wild bald eagles, that came here on their own and they nested here in Carillon Park,” Weller said.

Weller said we just have to wait 35 days for the egg to hatch.

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