
Case of triple-fatal, wrong-way I-75 crash that killed Mason family sent to prosecutor; BAC of driver released


The blood alcohol content of the driver suspected of driving the wrong-way on Interstate 75 on St. Patrick’s Day that caused a crash that killed three people has been released.

Abby MIchaels was legally intoxicated at the time of the crash with a BAC of .099, according to Moraine police. The legal limit in Ohio is .08.

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The case has been sent to the Montgomery County Prosecutor’s office for determination of criminal charges, according to Moraine police.

Michaels, of Xenia, had what medics described as beer “coming from her mouth,” police records show.

>> 3 family members die in I-75 wrong-way crash: ‘This is absolutely tragic’

Michaels, 21, of Xenia, was driving north in the southbound lanes on I-75 near the Dryden Road exit when her car collided with a vehicle carrying three members of a Mason family. Those killed were Timmy Thompson, 51, Karen Thompson, 50, and their daughter, Tessa Thompson, 10.

>> Police: Beer came from mouth of driver, 21, after wrong-way crash that killed Mason family

>> Area wrong-way crash deaths reach 15 in 3 years

>> Police: Alcohol a factor in ‘horrific’ I-75 wrong-way crash that kills family of 3