Centerville man who made 180 child porn images, videos, will spend 27 years in prison

DAYTON — A 35-year-old Centerville man will spend the next 27½ years in prison for abusing young children and producing 54 videos and 137 images of the abuse.

Marek K. Grigsby was sentenced Tuesday in U.S. District Court after he pleaded guilty in April 2019.

RELATED: Centerville man accused of making 180 child porn images, videos pleads guilty

Grigsby sexually abused one victim, who was 5 and 6 during the abuse. Between November 2015 and January 2017, Grigsby produced at least 33 videos and 23 images showing his sexual abuse of the victim, according to a release from the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio.

Grigsby also created obscene images of a second 5-year-old. Between January 2015 and April 2016, he produced at least 21 videos and 111 images of the second victim, with three images depicting the victim in an obscene way, the release stated.

Grigsby also was sentenced to a lifetime of supervised release was he completes his prison term.