
Citizen complaints about traffic prompt Huber Heights police to make more traffic stops


HUBER HEIGHTS — Police in Huber Heights have been stopping more drivers as part of a new and open-ended enhanced traffic enforcement effort in response to citizen complaints.

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The police division believes the heavier enforcement program citywide with help alleviate the complaints about speeding “and running red lights, and blocking the intersection,” Eileen Wade of Huber Heights said to News Center 7 Reporter Malik Patterson. “When the light turns and then traffic can’t come out because there is a blocked intersection.”

Huber Heights government issued a letter stating that the safety concerns “require officers to preform a set number of traffic stops each shift.”

Police Chief Mark Lightner tells News Center 7 there are no set number of traffic stops his officers will make, but the goal is to issue only warnings.

Huber Heights resident Allanna Brown thinks the heightened enforcement is a good idea because “It’s part of the policemen’s job, but I think it is going to cause more profiling.”

“People are going to be even more scared of police, I hate to say that, than some people already are now a days,” Brown said.

Neither police nor the city will say when the increased police presence will end.

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