Clay Twp. police shooting suspect makes first court appearance

CLAY TWP. — Aaron Mitchell, the Brookville man police said shot at Clay Twp. police and the township’s administration building, appeared Thursday morning in the Montgomery County Western Division Municipal Court in New Lebanon.

FIRST REPORT: Man pursued after firing on building is shot, wounded by police in Clayton

Mitchell, 40, was shot multiple times by officers Nov. 30 following a pursuit from the area of the Clay Twp. administration building, which ended on North Diamond Mill Road.

He had a not guilty plea entered by the judge and if he is able to post his $150,000 bond, he would be put on electronic home detention.

He is currently being held in Montgomery County Jail on a felonious assault charge. The case will go before a grand jury, which will decide whether Mitchell should be indicted on charges, including discharging a firearm on or near prohibited premises and failure to comply.

RELATED: Clay Twp. police shooting suspect's case heads to grand jury

Deputies served a search warrant Nov. 30 at Mitchell’s house on South Clay Street in Brookville, which revealed he posted messages on social media and made comments alluding to death by police.

“Upon further investigation a Facebook post was located on Aaron Mitchell’s Facebook account stating ‘welp my mind says I’m going to break a bunch of laws and then chased by the cops lol’,” according to documents filed in court. “Mitchell also has made comments that the best way to go is by cop and that if he wanted to die he could do death by cop.”

RELATED: Clay Twp. police shooting: Suspect made comments about 'death by cop', records show 

Three police officers, including two from Clay Twp. and one from Brookville, were placed on paid leave for their involvement in the police shooting, officials have confirmed.

Brookville police Maj. Tom Simon is the officer on leave after his department said he fired his service weapon at the end of the pursuit. The two Clay Twp. officers were Sgt. James Hawkins and officer Jim Corcoran.

Police have seized at least 20 items that will serve as evidence in the case, including bullets and shell casings, according to a search warrant filed in Montgomery County court.

This story will be updated with any new information that emerges from today’s hearing.