DAYTON — The Community Blood Center (CBC) will be unveiling a new identity as part of their Labor Day weekend blood drive on Friday.
>>RELATED: CBC, trying to recover from high usage during July 4 period, renews call for donors
Labor Day weekend marks an urgent need for multiple blood types and a milestone for the region’s first blood bank, a CBC spokesperson said.
The weekend blood drive will take place Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at the Dayton Donation Center at the 300 block of S. Main Street.
There are six mobile blood drives scheduled on Friday and Saturday of Labor Day Weekend, and the Donation Center will be open during special hours on Sunday and closed on Monday for Labor Day, according to the spokesperson.
Donors will get a Ritter’s Sundae Bar Friday from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m. and there will be custom-designed cookies from Ashley’s Pastry Shop on both Saturday and Sunday.
Sunday will mark the final for donors to enter the drawing to win a pair of season tickets to the Cincinnati Bengals. Everyone who registered between July 31-September 3 is automatically entered in the drawing.
Walk-ins are welcome or an appointment can be made by either visiting this website, calling 937-461-3220, or using the Donor Time app.