Community rallies behind local teen after he suffers heart attack at basketball practice

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ENGLEWOOD — A Northmont High School student is in the hospital after having a heart attack at basketball practice.

Last week 16-year-old Luke Mangen had a heart attack during basketball practice,

He later went into cardiac arrest at the hospital.

Mangen is now at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

Northmont Schools Superintendent Tony Thomas issued a statement in response to Mangen’s injury:

“The Mangen family has had and continues to impact the Northmont Community greatly. The family would be grateful for highlighting how the community supports them and Luke as they remain at the Ronald McDonald House as his medical needs continue to be addressed.”

Cathy Gough used to babysit Mangen when he was younger.

“I remember Luke being a sweet boy. I remember he got along with all kids. He never really caused trouble. He was just a sweetheart,” Gough said.

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Gough said she’s been in touch with his family and he had to have open heart surgery.

“Luke’s always been a healthy kid. He’s never been one that I’m aware of that has had any kind of heart issues, so to have a heart attack at 16 years old is just mind-blowing,” she said.

But he’s not fighting alone.

JD’s Old Fashioned Custard is having a fundraiser this weekend to raise money for Mangen’s family.

They’re calling it “Scoops for Luke.”

Brent and Barbara Fisher run JD’s.

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We also own the local membership swimming pool, Melody Pool, and he’s been riding his bike to the pool since he was 9 or 10, nearly every day so we got to see that happy boy, sweet boy,” Barbara said.

The community here wants to see him come home and so do his loved ones.

“The family did mention that they would like to thank the Northmont community, the administrators, coaches and staff, the community overall, the students: they feel the prayers, they feel the love that the community has been offering for their family and Luke,” Gough said.

JD’s selling $5 single scoops of custard from 1-7 p.m. on Saturday.

All proceeds will go toward Mangen’s family.