
Concerns voiced over Trotwood Greyhound bus station

TROTWOOD — Community members are voicing their concerns over the Trotwood Greyhound bus station and want to change how people are treated at the bus stop.

The station is in its second location since it left downtown Dayton.

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Many people in Trotwood didn’t want the Greyhound station to come to the city to begin with, but now that it’s no longer at the RTA hub, some believe this is only the beginning of the problems.

“What you’re seeing is people being put outside. People that have purchased their tickets to go to wherever their destination is, they have to come out here and sit. Now what’s going to happen in the winter time,” Trotwood resident, Cynthia Mason said.

News Center 7 reached out to Greyhound for comment. The company stated that Greyhound customers are welcome inside the Trotwood location and it is up to the preference of the customer where they would like to wait for the bus. There are restrooms located inside the stop and food within walking distance, Greyhound added.

The feelings around the Greyhound Station reached a boiling point Sunday night.

Donna Ruby and her husband drive past the building on Salem Ave. almost every day and make a point to look at it. Sunday night she took a picture and posted it to social media.

“We looked over and saw about 30 people sitting outside on the ground along the side of the building. It was heart wrenching, it was heartbreaking to see people sitting at that time of night,” Ruby said.

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Ruby and her husband turned around and talked to them. She posted a picture online, saying she was worried about the safety of the people at the station.

“To just know there’s mothers, grandmothers, young women that are out there, there’s no security, there’s no place for them to use facilities, there’s no place to get anything cold to drink or anything,” Ruby said.

When Greyhound changed locations to a spot with security cameras and more amenities, it was a surprise to some when they moved again.

“From what I’m understanding we didn’t get any prior information that they were going to be moving to this location. What I’ve seen overtime is something that to me is less than what I would want anyone to put up with,” Trotwood Mayor, Mary McDonald said.

This has been a problem McDonald and other Trotwood officials have been aware of, but an issue that isn’t going away.

“We’ve been in long conversations with Greyhound asking them for compliance, asking for them to take care of their business the way that it should be taken care of. We’ve not seen much change, maybe for a moment and then it goes back to the same thing,” McDonald said.

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Many people have similar complaints, and some are fed up and said they don’t want Greyhound here anymore if this is how they’ll operate.

“They never should have moved from downtown. Every Greyhound station that I know of is located in the downtown area, it’s centrally located so everyone can get to it,” Mason said.

For some, they’ve reached their tipping point where they’ve had enough, and the city is looking at what its possible options are to try and fix the problem as well.

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