
Dad wrecks new car after doing donuts in parking lot; he and kids hospitalized


A father and his two children ended up in hospitals Wednesday afternoon after he hit a power pole while doing donuts in the snowy parking lot of the former Kmart in the 600 block of Woodman Drive in Riverside.

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The man, believed to be in his 40s, had just bought the Pontiac G8 GT, Riverside police said.

He was doing donuts -- driving in a tight circle at high speed -- when he apparently lost control and hit a live power pole, police said.

The pole crashed to the parking lot in the incident reported just about 4:30 p.m.

Police said the man and the children, one of whom is of high school age and the other younger, suffered non life-threatening injuries.

He'll be cited for reckless operation, police tell us.

Dayton Power & Light has been asked to send a crew to deal with the pole.

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