Crowd shows up at fake Limp Bizkit concert site

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UPDATE @ 9:26 p.m.: Five Dayton police cruisers have returned to the site of the fake Limp Bizkit concert.

The Sunoco is now closed and the lights have been turned off in an effort to get the crowd to disperse.

Police will remain at the gas station for a time tonight, officers said. We have not been told whether any arrests have been made.

A gathering of about 100 remains in front of the gas station, while about 50 or so are across the street.

Meantime, several in the crowd can be heard shouting, “We want Fred!” in reference to Fred Durst, former vocalist of the “nu metal” band that was formed in 1994.

UPDATE @ 8:45 p.m.: More than 100 people, including a band and lady wearing a costume bear head, have shown up at the fake Limp Bizkit concert site minutes after Dayton police ran off an earlier crowd that had gathered in response to an Internet hoax.

Police tell us the owner of the Sunoco gas station, at Keowee Street and Wayne Avenue, which was to be the venue, wanted his property cleared because people were beginning to block the entrance to his business.

Police also tell us they will patrol the neighborhood tonight to make sure a crowd doesn’t come back to the business.

Michael Pelaze, a Dayton native who lives in Cincinnati, told WHIO News Center 7 he showed up because “I was hoping something fun would go down.

“I immediately knew it was a joke. It was pretty obvious.”

He said he was hoping people would take advantage of the weird, arbitrary, the weird viral thing that happens on the Internet.”

There was no way the band was ever going to come to Dayton, Pelaze said. “There is an underground, cultural following still that still loves that band.”

Pelaze said people were driving by, singing song lyrics from their windows of their vehicles.

The Internet is weird and weird things happen because of the Internet, he said. This FB group event was posted two days ago and the amount of people buying into it. But people were participating in it.

“It’s fun to see that something so weird can still pick up that steam.”


The Dayton Police Department took to Twitter in response to claims that Limp Bizkit will play an impromptu show in Dayton.

A Facebook event page claims that Limp Bizkit will play a concert Wednesday, April 20, at the Sunoco at Keowee Street and Wayne Avenue.

The ads are false, according to police.

Limp Bizkit also responded to the social event.

News Center 7 reporter Mike Campbell will have more on this story starting at 5 p.m. tonight.