
Dayton International Airport unveils master plan to public, wants your feedback

DAYTON — As more people are getting back to flying post-pandemic, the Dayton International Airport is looking toward the future.

Now, the community is getting a look at the proposed changes the airport wants to make through its master plan for the future.

Gil Turner, the director of aviation at the airport, said in addition to runways they’re going to realign taxiways.

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News Center 7′s Brandon Lewis asked Turner if he thinks these proposed changes will attract new airlines going forward.

“That’s always the plan but the main priority today is for safety when we look at our facilities and make sure that we’re in compliance for all our safety rules and regulations that the (Federal Aviation Administration) requires for a commercial airport,” Turner said.

Changes are already being made at the airport’s terminal, including expanding the central food court and remodeling the concourses.

“Over the past 3 years, the Dayton International Airport has been reviewing and planning what our future’s going to look like,” Cross said.

Douglas Horvath of Brookville showed up at the public workshop to see the impact the changes would have on green space near the airport.

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“I think safety and visitor experience are wonderful things to be mindful of when you’re planning, Horvath said.

He admitted sometimes it could be more expensive to fly out of Dayton but for the most part, he enjoys the shorter lines at security and being able to find what he needs.

The airport plans to submit its draft Airport Master Plan to the FAA for approval at the end of the month.

It’s a 20-year plan with a price tag of more than $300 million.

Learn more about the plan here.

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