
A delay, not a defeat; Fans at ‘Who Dey-ton’ watch party react to disappointing Bengals loss

Who Dey-ton watch party

DAYTON — The Bengals came so close to winning the Super Bowl, leading most of the second half.

But that lead came to an end as the Los Angeles Rams scored a touchdown in the final two minutes of the game.

Many gathered at a “Who Dey-ton” watch party, one of the largest watch parties in Dayton.

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Fans in attendance shared their reactions to their team losing the Big Game.

“They’re disappointed, but they did better than 30 other teams, " Chris Schneider of Dayton told News Center 7′s Haley Kosik.

The banquet hall that is now empty was once full of fans just happy to see their team make it so far.

“We’re proud of them but it’s a tough loss, I’m crushed. We’ll be back next year and on to the next!” Courtney Deutsch of Oakwood.

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Rachel Robinson of Dayton said that as a lifelong fan of the team she is disappointed but hopeful.

“They’ve got a great team, a young team and next year we will come back strong,” Robinson said.

Many fans at the watch party told News Center 7 that they would like to see some work on the team’s offensive line next season.