
Teen admits ‘doing doughnuts’ on Raynor Park football field in Clark County


UPDATE @ 3:50 p.m. (Oct 14)

A 17-year-old boy from Medway admitted he was “doing doughnuts” with his vehicle on the Raynor Park football field, according to the Clark County Sheriff’s Office.

The teen was arrested today on suspicion of one count of felony vandalism following an investigation that led to the suspect. He was detained, interviewed and confessed to damaging the football field, deputies said.

A youth football program, the Wee Arrows, had to relocate games because there were ruts on the field and turned up grass.

Randy Creech, owner of Lawn Plus in West Alexandria, started repairs Friday free of charge.

The damage was estimated at more than $2,000, according to Chad Hayes of the Wee Arrows.

UPDATE @ 5:15 p.m. (Oct. 13)Lawn Plus started repairs Friday on the football field at Raynor Park.

Randy Creech, who owns the West Alexandria business, said he was on Facebook on Sunday night when he learned about the vandalism.

“I mean honestly, the first thing I thought was what can we do to help,” he said.

He sent texts to his team about what they could do. Ideas started coming together, and Monday morning a plan was made.

That afternoon, Creech contacted the Wee Arrows football team and assessed the damage early Monday evening.

They then began repairs Friday morning. The repair is being done free of charge.

UPDATE @ 4:37 p.m. (Oct. 9)

Lawn Plus of West Alexandria is planning to pay for the repairs to damage done at Raynor Park in Park Layne on Sunday.

According to employees, the owner of Lawn Plus will be at the field around 5:30 p.m. today to assess the damages and make plans to fix the football field.

The field was damaged Sunday after a vehicle turned up grass and left the ground pitted, according to Clark County deputies. The field was the home of Park Layne Wee Arrows Football and Cheer teams.


The Park Layne Wee Arrows are playing their last home game of the season on an unexpected field after vandals damaged their home field at Raynor Park Sunday morning.

Clark County Sgt. Erin Trimble said deputies are investigating the damage done to the field after a vehicle turned up grass and left the ground pitted.

Wee Arrows spokesman Chad Hayes said the damage to the field came on a particularly important day as the last home game of the season also celebrates player’s parents.

“The organization has put a lot of money and a lot of time getting this field ready for football and cheerleading this year and it is just a shame to see,” Hayes said.

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Park Layne Pee Wee Arrows Football and Cheer is a nonprofit organization providing athletic opportunities to around 80 first through sixth graders in the Tecumseh School District.

Hayes said deputies are reviewing surveillance footage from cameras near the park in an ongoing investigation. He said the field suffered minor damage in a similar incident earlier this season.

“This is the second time this year someone has done donuts, but not to this extent […] a cost assessment hasn’t been done yet, but I would say there’s at least $2,000 worth of damage to our field,” Hayes said.

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With their home field damaged, Hayes said the Tecumseh Cubs in New Carlisle opened their field today on Walsh Drive for the Wee Arrows.

“It’s always nice for the community to come together. When one organization has an issue like this another organization will step up and help,” Hayes said.

“Kids are ready to play football. They’re not happy parent’s day had to be moved, but they are committed.”

Sgt. Trimble said deputies are actively investigating the vandalism and searching for those responsible.

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