
DeWine calls for Russian vodka to be removed from shelves, production halted


COLUMBUS — In response to Russia’s attack on Ukraine, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine has targeted a popular restaurant import.

DeWine has called for all businesses to stop selling and purchasing all Russian Vodka.

Russia and Vodka may be synonymous with one another, and you’ve probably seen brands that seem to be Russian, but Mif Frank, owner of Arrow Wine and Spirits, says there’s not actually much Russian Vodka sold in Ohio.

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There’s only one Russian-owned Vodka distillery in the state. The Vodka is sold under the brand names Green Mark and Russian Standard.

“They’re not big sellers. They’re economy brands that people like because they are good quality Vodka for a less expensive price,” Frank said.

He said he expects this move because he saw other states begin to make similar decisions. Not having these Vodka bottles on the shelves though isn’t going to hurt his bottom line.

“With the way the liquor is set up the state of Ohio, it does not impact us one way or the other. We don’t pay for the inventory. Therefore, it’s really no cost to us,” Frank said.

When asked what Frank thinks will be from the fall out of DeWine’s decision to stop both the purchase and sale of all Russian Vodka would be, he responded by saying, “I don’t think it will be impactful on anybody’s bottom line except maybe the importer or the distillery itself. Locally I don’t really see it having that big of an impact. Because it’s lesser-known brands that aren’t exactly on everybody’s shelves.”

The next step for companies like Arrow Wine and Spirits is waiting for their orders on what to do with the Vodka that’s been removed from their shelves.