Expansion coming to Veterans Memorial in Montgomery County

CENTERVILLE — New plans to expand the Stubbs Park Veterans Memorial Plaza in Centerville have been announced, a spokesperson from the city said.

City leaders announced the expansion during the Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday.

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The expansion will recognize the Global War on Terror and the United States Space Force.

The current memorial will be modified to include a walkaround memorial with a walkway expansion, the spokesperson said.

“This process will protect the existing memorial while ensuring the monument can be added to in the future,” the spokesperson said.

The existing monument will be engraved to honor the Global War on Terror and the new U.S. Space Force monument will have a custom-designed bronze disk.

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A new stone lectern featuring details about the memorial and the purpose it serves will be installed near the entrance.

The city is looking for contributions to help cover the $43,000 project.

If you’re interested in donating, you can use cash or credit card at the city’s municipal building, or you can write and mail a check.

For more information about this project, or how to donate, click here.