Extra Miami County deputies to be on patrol Memorial Day weekend

MIAMI COUNTY — The Miami County Sheriff’s Office announced there will be extra deputies on patrol during the Memorial Day holiday weekend.

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Deputies will be out at various time frames on Miami County roadways strictly enforcing Ohio traffic laws, Miami County Sheriff Dave Duchak said.

They will put an extra emphasis on seat belt enforcement, speeding, stop sign violations, impaired driving, and other crash-causing violations.

The extra deputies will be working overtime and on patrol for traffic enforcement purposes only.

The Memorial Day Holiday weekend is also the official kickoff to the “Click-It-Or-Ticket” campaign throughout Ohio.

Miami County is joining over 900 other law enforcement agencies to raise awareness for and enforce Ohio’s seat belt laws, according to Sheriff Duchak.

The traffic enforcement campaign is already underway and runs through Memorial Day Holiday and concludes on June 4.

All drivers are reminded to buckle up and have a designated driver if they choose to drink, the sheriff’s office said.