
Hannah’s Treasure Chest announces $2M capital campaign for new center

MIAMISBURG — Hannah’s Treasure Chest, which has helped thousands of families in need, has announced a $2 million capital campaign that will culminate in the building of the Kacie Hausfeld Center for Children’s Basic Needs.

The center is being named in honor of Kacie Hausfeld and her dad, Tom Hausfeld, who were killed in a plane crash in 2010.

The facility is being built in Miamisburg with a monetary gift from the Tom and Lori Hausfeld Family Foundation.

Hannah’s Treasure Chest was founded in 2001 to enrich the lives of children in need by making sure their families had the essential items while facing financial difficulties.

The organization is working to secure the larger facility in Miamisburg will be the heart of its expanded operations. The facility will be designed to streamline operations, increase services and provide a welcoming space for volunteers and supporters.

The gift from the Hausfeld family is an unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of local children and their families.

“We are deeply touched by the Hausfeld family’s extraordinary generosity and their dedication to honoring Kacie’s memory,” said Deanna Murphy, Executive Director of Hannah’s Treasure Chest. “Their contribution serves not only as a cornerstone for our capital campaign, but as a lasting tribute to Kacie’s passion for children, and we are honored to be sharing her legacy with our community.”

Additional support is being provided by The Mathile Family Foundation, CareSource Foundation, Reynolds and Reynolds, The Cassano’s Cares Foundation and more.

Hannah’s Treasure Chest plans to finalize the relocation by late Spring 2024.

“We believe that every act of kindness, every contribution, is a step toward a brighter future for our region’s children,” added Murphy “The Kacie Hausfeld Center will be a place of hope, a testament to the immense compassion in our community, and a lifeline for families in crisis.”

For more information on how to support the campaign, please visit www.hannahstreasure.org or contact Kelly Kempton at kelly.kempton@hannshtreasure.org.

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