
High temperatures can make playground equipment dangerous

File photo (Jiří Částka, www.MediaFoto.cz/Getty Images/iStockphoto)
(Jiří Částka, www.MediaFoto.cz/Getty Images/iStockphoto)

MIAMI VALLEY — As the Miami Valley enters an Excessive Heat Warning Tuesday, it is important to remind kids and parents about the dangers the extreme heat can have on playground equipment.

Playground equipment can heat to dangerously high temperatures and pose a burn risk for kids on hot days, according to our news partners at WCPO in Cincinnati.

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Chuck Dietz, Assistant Chief at the Crescent Springs/Villa Hills Fire Department, told WCPO that there’s a chance the equipment could get well over 100 degrees. He said the especially true when its exposed to direct sunlight.

Those temperatures, Dietz warned, can cause burns. He said kids could also get hurt if they let go of the equipment and fall off it.

Before letting kids play, Dietz advised parents to check the equipment’s temperature by lightly touching with the back of your hand.

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In addition to playground equipment, WCPO warned that metal, hard plastic, steel, aluminum and other surfaces could reach dangerous temperatures too on extremely hot days.

Dr. Stephen Feagins, Mercy Health’s chief clinical officer, told WCPO that if you get burned, run the injury under cold water. Topical creams can also be used to help it heal, but seek medical attention if the burn starts to blister.