
Humane Society shares tips about animal, pet safety during cold weather

Dog sweater (Pixabay)

MIAMI VALLEY — Frigid temperatures are moving through the Miami Valley, and they can impact any living thing, not just people.

The Humane Society of the United States urges people who are dealing with these dangerous weather conditions to take action to keep pets and animals safe.

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The Humane Society shares the following cold-weather safety tips for animals:

Keep pets sheltered:

  • Pet cats shouldn’t be left outdoors in freezing temperatures, even if they roam outside during other seasons.
  • If pet dogs are outdoors for an extended time, they must be protected by a dry, draft-free shelter.
  • Routinely check your pet’s water dish to make sure it’s not frozen.
  • Use plastic food and water bowls when the temperature is low so your pet’s tongue can’t stick and freeze to the metal.

Bundle up, wipe down:

  • No matter the temperature, windchill can threaten a pet’s life.
  • Exposed skin or noses, ears and paw pads are at risk for frostbit and hypothermia.
  • Rock salt and other chemicals used to melt snow and ice and irritate the pads of your pet’s feet. Wipe down their paws with a damp towel.

Remove common poisons:

  • Antifreeze is a deadly poison but has a taste that may attract animals.
  • Wipe up any antifreeze spills immediately and keep it out of reach.
  • Coolants and antifreeze made with propylene glycol are less toxic to pets, wildlife, and families.
  • Dogs are at risk of salt poisoning in the winter because they often lick their paws. Dogs could have rock salt on their paws after a walk or time outside.
  • Call a veterinarian if your dog ingests rock salt.

Protect outdoor animals:

  • Create outdoor shelters
  • Bang on your car’s hood so any small hidden animals can escape before starting your engine.

Horse care:

  • Make sure your horses have access to a barn or three-sided run-in so they can escape the wind and cold.
  • Considered blanketing your horse as it helps keep them warm and dry.
  • Make sure your horses have access to unfrozen water at all times. Use heated buckets or water heaters/de-icers.
  • Feed your horses more forage, unlimited amounts if possible, as it helps them create heat and regulate their body temperatures.

Speak up:

  • If you see a pet left in extreme temperatures, politely let the owner know you’re concerned.
  • If they don’t make any changes, contact your local animal resource center or law enforcement for tips on what to do.

“In extremely cold conditions like we are seeing throughout much of the country this week, it is critical to keep pets safe from freezing temperatures and wind chill and to be aware of hazards to animals such as rock salt and antifreeze,” President and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States Kitty Block said.